

Midway Island 2009

A multi national team of 19 operators will activate Midway Island in October 2009. The US Fish & Wildlife Service has authorized amateur operation from this rare US entity for only a 10 day period, its first radio activity in almost 10 years.

Midway Island ranks number 24 worldwide and number 13 in Europe on the DX Magazine’s “Most Wanted List”. Activity will be on 6 meters to 160 meters with 5 to 6 stations. At least one station will be active on 20 meters around the clock for those who need it for a new country. Major efforts will be made to meet the demand to the most needed geographical areas, the low bands and RTTY.

Team members are AA4NN, EA1IR, DJ9ZB, KH7U, KI6TVS, KL2A, N1DG, N4PN, N4XP, N6GQ, N7CQQ, WB4JTT, W6KK, W6OSP, WA7NB, W8CAA, W8GEX, WA8NJR, and OK1KT. Off site support is being provided by AA1V, W5DNT and W6XA.

Travel to Midway is only allowed by chartered aircraft. Because of the size of the aircraft, the team is presented with unique challenges. As such, the aircraft will only be able to carry the team requiring the equipment to be shipped by boat some months ahead. Adding to the high cost of transportation, daily fees and other charges established by the USF&WLS makes this operation very expensive.

A web site has been established and can be found at www.midway2009.com.

Please support this endeavor by sending a donation. To make it easy to donate you can contribute electronically using the web site or if you choose regular means you may do so. Instructions are given on the web site for either method.

Updates will be published on the web site as they become available.

Tom N4XP & Dave WB4JTT

Co Leaders for Midway Island 2009